Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mar-yur, Sti-yur, Cra-yur

In general, we find it easier to understand Gavin, as opposed to Vivian, when he talks. But there are a few words (or sounds) that Mr. Gavin is completely incapable of pronouncing. One of these sounds is a "ck" sound. But, only if its in the middle of a word. He can clearly say any word that begins with a "c" sound, but when its in the middle of a word, that "c" or "ck" sound turns into a "y". Just watch the videos to see what I mean.

The first video is of Vivian saying the words: marker, cracker, and sticker.

The second video is of Gavin (who was a little upset at the beginning) trying to say the same three words.

I don't know why he does it, but he's terribly consistent.

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