Sunday, March 25, 2012

She Ain't 'Fraid of No Bug

Yesterday, there was a bug in our house. Wes pointed it out to Gavin and he flipped. He started yelling, "I no want dat bug in my new house!" (p.s. both kiddos call our current house the "new house" every single time they talk about it) Gavin immediately ran over and placed a green lid on top of it (after a little apprehension and screaming of course). 

Vivian, on the other hand, was very excited about this bug. She kept taking the lid off the bug and laughing at it. Every time she took the lid off, Gavin would cry/squeal/shriek while Vivian was smiling ear-to-ear.

This is just one of those situations where we notice the huge differences between our twins. It's just so funny to us that Gavin is completely fearless about some things and not others, while at the same time, Vivian is unfazed by many of the things that Gavin is scarred of and ridiculously terrified of many things that Gavin enjoys greatly.

Apparently, bugs are one of those things that divides them. While Gavin is not horrified by bugs, he definitely does not enjoy them. Vivi (as you'll see in the videos) not only likes them, but is not scarred at all.

Listen to the fear in Gavin's voice and the delight in Vivian's. It's so funny how different they are. My favorite line is when Gavin fearfully says, "Catch him, Vivi!" (around the 24 second mark).

This second video is of Viv trying to actually pick up the bug. I love how she says, "C'mon, boy," when she's attempting to catch it.

1 comment:

Rebecca D. said...

These videos crack me and Noah up. Love it. Oh how I wish all the Peach kids could get together and play sometime...what fun that would be!