Saturday, June 21, 2014

Daddy's Day 2014

I couldn't have asked for a better daddy for my children. He teaches them how to do all kinds of interesting things, he talks with them in a way that makes them feel respected and loved, he is willing to read them their favorite books 492 times in a day if they want, and he deals with the day-to-day bullshit with a smile on his face. Oh yeah, and he's here. He spends a significant amount of time with each one of them; you can't put a value on that! He really is THE BEST daddy in the whole wide world!

Our Daddy's Day started off with homemade cards and t-shirt gifts. Each child got a t-shirt that said "i love my dad." and Wes got a "eat. sleep. drive." shirt. Everyone wore their new shirts all day.
Among other things, we shopped a bit, went to Dairy Queen for lunch, played in the backyard, ate ice cream on the front porch, and played in the sprinkler.

It was a GREAT day!

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