Monday, June 16, 2014

So. Freaking. Behind.

I can't even handle how behind I am with this blog. Let's try to recap the last couple of months. And because I don't really have time to do several months at once, let's begin with March.


We began March with a trip to MD. We stayed at GG and Max's house and took typical early morning baths.

The main reason for our trip was to go to April's baby shower.

We did a lot of hanging out at home. Mostly because this was one of the longest, coldest winters ever. Seriously, ever.

 On the few semi-warm days, we played outside. At the park, arboretum, and backyard.

One the days when it snowed for the 67th time, we went to the indoor kids' gym and the children's museum with the Whitehurst family.

We refurbished a few pieces of furniture and started the redecoration of the living room.

Another big March event was a free Tea Party that was held at the mall. Vivian had A BLAST, especially because her BFF, Olivia, was there!

 And THAT was March 2014.

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