Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Trying to Catch Up: April 2014

April was busy. We start doff the month with a free craft night at Chick Fil-A.

Gavin started playing soccer in April. He had practice on Wednesday nights and games on Saturday mornings.

We also took another trip to MD in April. This time, it was for our friends' daughter's 2nd birthday party. We stayed at GG and Max's house again and took many early morning baths. Again.

We did a lot of crafting and playing outside in April.

Our kids and Olivia started Zumba in April.

And I won the 2013-2014 School of Communication Studies' Professor of the Year Award!

We went to the Farmer's Market and participate din Art in the Park, which is a monthly FREE outdoor art activity in Harrisonburg.

There were 2 or 3 really hot days in April. We took advantage of those days.

Gavin actually started writing his name on his own!

The twins got along more than normal in April.

We went to a free 10,000 egg hunt with Grandma. There were games, bouncy houses, puppet shows, hotdogs, popcorn, cotton candy, and 10,000 candy-filled eggs to find!

We dyed eggs the night before, hunted for those eggs in the morning, let them open their goodie baskets, and went out for breakfast on Easter Sunday.

We went to a car show- the first one of the season!

We had a dinner party with the Whitehurst family.

And last, but not least, Wes not only fixed our power washer, but he and Gavin cleaned the front steps. Apparently, they were really dirty.

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