Friday, September 25, 2009

3 Things

This is an excerpt from one of my dearest friend Marti's blog. Marti, by the way, is quoting our other friend Beth's blog. (The purple is from Beth's blog and the blue is from Marti's blog)---------------------------------------THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2009

My Three Things

Today I'm obsessed with
1.'s sale section
2. making lists (and crossing things off)
3. Twitter as a news source.

My friend Martha and I often go weeks without catching up. We are friends from Grad School and miss talking, but are so busy that it's just difficult to make time to cover everything. We have an answer. We might not have thirty minutes to chat, but everyone has 30 seconds to make a quick list. She and I trade our hot list - what we're obsessed with at the moment. Sometimes she starts it, sometimes I do - but usually one of us comes away with a new idea, a craving, a product recommendation, and most definitely a smile! And just think: no one gets call-screened because the other one is too busy to talk (wink wink).

PS - her list was 1. gobstopper Valentine heart candy, 2. Carolina basketball, and 3. sleeping with the window open.
I agree that Beth is a genius. The other day, Marti sent me this list:
1. sleepovers
2. butternut squash for dinner
3. Nexus brand mousse

To which I responded:
1. curb your enthusiasm
2. dove dark chocolate bites
3. searching for a new blog design
What are YOUR three things? Seriously, I wanna know.


ashley.and.graham said...

right now ...
1. target {as always, but i just got to go by myself!}
2. paul frank pink monkey-face pj's, sz 18mo {from target}
3. portable dvd player for the last hour of our 3hr drive tomorrow {can't believe I bought that!}


ashley.and.graham said...

from grahan ...

1. eden falling asleep on my shoulder
2. coffee
3. sec football

The Bluvas Blog said...

1. my baby
2. sleep
3. how to cope with the fact that i may never be organized again