Friday, October 9, 2009

First Plane Ride

One suitcase for the babies with clothes, blankets, burp cloths, toys, bottles, books, pacis, diapers, wipes, a bouncer, a carrier, and a doorway jumper, check! One suitcase for us with clothes, toiletries, a diffuser, shoes for Steph and Tony's wedding, make-up, jewelry, and wrinkle releaser, check! One carry-on with Wes' suit, 3 dress shirts, 1 coat, and my bridesmaid dress, check! One diaper bag with 4 formula-filled bottles, 8 diapers, 1 pack of wipes, 4 outfits, 5 burp cloths, 2 blankets, 2 toys, 1 book, 4 pacifiers, check! One purse with mints, 1 laptop and charger, 2 phone chargers, 1 camera, 3 car magazines, and various other essentials, check! Two car seats and 1 tandem stroller, check!

Last week, we took the twins on their first airplane ride to MD. It wasn't as bad as we thought it would be. They were both easily entertained by all of the people, sounds, and new things to look at while in the airport. Once we got on the plane, they each had minor panic attacks. But when they plane began to take off, we gave them some food and they were fine. They slept the rest of the way until we started to descent, at which point we gave them more food.
On the flight back to Indiana, they were old pros. No crying, no fussing, no pouting. They were awake and happy, ate during take-off, either slept or were awake and content, and then ate when landing. Overall, they were easy, stress-free flights.


ashley.and.graham said...

ok, it is making me smile to see gavin's little blankie with him in photos! as you would say "i heart it!!" what did vivi's look like? if you need one for her that is fuzzy on both sides that can be arranged ...

Pants said...

I kind of heart this blog.

Jennie said...

vivi's is green on one side and polka-dot on the other side. she LOVES it! and we do too!