Thursday, October 15, 2009

She's Not a Fan of Rice Cereal

Viv is not a fan of rice cereal. She didn't like it when we first gave it to her and she doesn't like it now. She makes a disgusted face, sometimes screams, and almost always spits it out every time you try to give it to her. If this is a preview of what's to come, we're not looking forward to the future with our picky eater.


Rebecca D. said...

Maybe try something like green beans or some vegetable with more flavor! I don't like rice cereal I just say she has developed an excellent palate at an early age :)

Elizabeth and Mark said...

I echo Rebecca's sentiments--Grace did so much better when we introduced oatmeal. She also LOVED apples. I would get a bag, peel, dice, put a little water in the bottom of a pan and steam them. Let it go for 20/30 minutes, throw in the food processor and instant babyfood. And when they're a little older, you can throw in some cinnamon--Grace really loved it then! I have all the icecube trays I used to use to freeze her food--it's so nice because they're one ounce so you can just pop out a cube and heat up. Let me know if you want to borrow them!

Maren said...

I don't even bother buying the rice cereal anymore. None of my kids have ever liked it. Have you tasted it? NASTY! No wonder they hate it. Ignore the pediatrician (at least this time) and get the poor girl some oatmeal. I like to spike mine with a little pureed banana. Oh boy - they love that! (And save the rice cereal and just add it to other foods later on. It's a little extra nutrition and that way it's not wasted.)