Wednesday, October 28, 2009

He's an Escape Artist

Gavin is an escape artist. He's always trying to get out of whatever we put him in. Whether its the bouncer, the swing, or his swaddle wrap at night, Gavin tries to break out and he usually succeeds. Especially when it comes to his bedtime wrap. At bedtime, we bundle Gavin up in a velcro swaddler. We do this for two main reasons: (1) he sleeps longer when he's "tied up" and (2) if he wasn't swaddled, he would immediately flip over to his tummy and you know what they're saying about that these days. So, we wrap him up. Unfortunately, he's somehow figured out how to get out of this thing. About 50% of our mornings are spent asking Gavin how he got out the night before. What can I say, he's an escape artist.


Elizabeth and Mark said...

The pics are so cute today! Especially the one with Viv and Patrick! Love it! As for your escape artist, have you tried the sleep sacks? We had three of them that we rotated on Grace and they worked wonders--she never flipped over when she was in them. I was a mess when she outgrew them :)

Jennie said...

that's what we use and he's still able to flip over. the doc told us yesterday to forget about it all and just let him sleep on his tummy.