Wednesday, October 14, 2009

She's a Night Owl

Viv is a night owl. She likes to stay up after her brother goes to bed and by the time she actually fall asleep, it ends up being way past her bedtime. Sometimes we can bamboozle her and get her to fall asleep "on time," but usually, Gavin's asleep and she's wide awake. Even though she's a morning person, she still likes to stay up late. You'd think that if she stayed up a little later, she would sleep in a little longer. Nope. It doesn't matter what time she goes to bed (she could go to bed at 7pm or 11pm), she still wakes up between 6 and 7 in the morning. We think that she likes to have us all to herself without Gavin around. This alone time usually lasts for about 1-2 hours after Gavin falls asleep before she dozes off herself. She always looks at us and coos and smiles when its just the three of us. She loves it. And, we love it. She's our precious little night owl.

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