Friday, October 2, 2009

He's a Somniphobe

Gavin is somniphobic. Okay, well maybe he doesn't exactly have a severe fear of sleep, but he sure does hate it- or at least it seems like he does. Right before Gavin begins to fall asleep, he pitches a bit of a fit. It's like he's saying, "I don't want to sleep! There's so much to do!" He fights it for a good 5-15 minutes before he either slowly drifts off to sleep while still pouting and whimpering or suddenly falls sleep in mid-whatever-he's-doing. It's crazy. Sometimes he'll be screaming really loud and then all of the sudden-- silence. It's over and he's sound asleep.
This group of pictures shows the result of one of these somniphobic episodes. Gavin was very tired, but did not want to sleep. After trying everything else, we put him in his bouncer where he proceeded to scream and arch his back in an attempt to escape. I took Vivi into the kitchen and when I returned, he had stopped screaming and was stuck asleep in this position. The funniest part is that once he falls asleep, he sleeps really well. He's actually a great sleeper. He just hates falling asleep. We hope that he can learn to embrace sleep one day and quit being such a somniphobe.

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