Thursday, September 23, 2010


Wes and I have found ourselves spelling out the name of that little red monster more and more these days. Why? Because if we say it out loud and E-L-M-O is not around, Vivi may have a conniption. She absolutely, positively loves E-L-M-O and wants to be with him at all times. She sleeps, eats, and plays with him. Just the other day, we were driving G & V to school and realized that we didn't have E-L-M-O. We HAD to immediately turn around to go back and get him. We didn't want to imagine what would have happened if she was without her BFF for an entire day! The cutest part about her love for him is when Viv hears the "Elmo's World" song. She holds E-L-M-O out in front of her (face to face) and looks at him, smiles, and sometimes laughs or squeals. It's unbelievably adorable.

1 comment:

ashley.and.graham said...

just be careful not to spell it too fast or it will still sound like the real word. found that out the hard way :)