Saturday, September 4, 2010

Well, we survived...

... our first week where Wes and I were back at work, Gav & Viv were at school, and we somehow managed to share a car. Yep, you read right, we are sharing a car. And, it sucks. Here are the highlights from our sharing-a-car-experience:

Monday: Wes was off work and V & G did not go to school (i.e. daycare). I took the car to work for the first half of the day while Wes stayed home with V & G. When I got home, we all piled in the car to go to Walmart for our weekly shopping. That was the easiest day.

Tuesday: V, G, & Wes drove me to work at 8:45 and then Wes took V & G to school afterwards. Wes had the day off on Tuesday, so he went home, cleaned the house, vegged-out a little, and cut the grass (untilt he lawn mower broke!). Then, he had to pick up G & V at 5:30. He drove to JMU to get me and had to wait until my class was over at 6:15. By the time we got home, it was 6:30ish and it was time for dinner, bath, and bed.

Wednesday: G, V, & I drove Wes to work at 7am (a solid 15 min drive from our house) and then we came back home so that I could get them and myself ready for the day. We left the house for the second time around 8:30 and arrived at school around 8:50. I dropped them off and then headed over to JMU. Then, at the end of the day, I picked up G & V around 4:45 and then went to pick up Wes at 5:15pm.

Thursday: This is our craziest day. I drove Wes to work at 7am. Then, we went back home to finish getting ready. I took G & V to school around 8:45 and then went to JMU to teach by 9:30. During my first break, I drove to Wes' work so that he could have the car for the rest of the day. He took me back to JMU before my break was over and then went back to work himself. He got off at 5, picked up G & V by 5:15, and then headed back over to JMU to wait for me to get out at 6:15pm.

Friday: This was another easy day. Wes was off work with G & V and I went to work. Wes drove me in the morning and then he and the kiddos picked me up around 4:30.

Saturday: And today is Saturday. Wes is at work, G & V are home with me, and I'm writing this post. My mom and Max are on there way down for the weekend.

It's a chaotic schedule, but we'll survive it! Well, at least we survived the first week...

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