Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Family Night

On Friday, there was a Family Night at Viv and Gav's school. All of the parents and other family members were invited for food, games, and fun. It was really nice to see how comfortable the twins were. They immediately ran inside and hugged their teachers. Adorable. We ate and played- but mostly played. Gavin and Vivian ran around from place to place, including the awesome jungle-gym-climbing-with-a-ball-pit-room.

At the end of the night, there was a dance-off. I know, it was crazy. But, it ended up being really cute. They had a Wii set up and people played against each other. And, the grand prize was a one-year membership to Sam's Club! We didn't compete, but Gav and Viv loved watching- and so did all of the other kids.

Other highlights of the evening:
  • Vivi waving at every single person who passed by her.
  • Gavin trying to climb into other kids' empty high chairs (we didn't bring our travel high chairs and Gavin is a hungry hungry hippo).
  • Other parents telling us that Vivi gives them (the other parents) hugs whenever they drop their kids off during the week.
  • Gavin chasing around the other boys and actually keeping up.
  • Vivian dancing during the tournament.
  • Gavin climbing on EVERYTHING in the jungle-gym room.
  • Vivian and Gavin being in a good mood the entire time we were there.
  • Both kiddos falling asleep in the car, allowing us to transfer them to their cribs, and staying asleep until 7:00am the next morning!

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