Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Three Amigos

This past weekend, Brandy and Carter came down for a visit. The kiddos had a blast. On Saturday, we went shopping at Walmart. Carter was in his stroller and G & V were in their limo-sized stroller. Brandy and I were walking next to each other when all of the sudden, Gavin and Carter reached out towards each other and held hands. Brandy and I had to stop "traffic" to photograph the event. It was adorable. Then, we went to the park. And, it was HOT! So, we only stayed for 20 minutes. The three amigos played until bedtime, at which point, everyone piled into the nursery to listen to a few books. Well, I think I'm using the term "listen" a bit loosely. They were all in the room, but I think that Viv was the only one actually listening.

They all went to sleep and then the unthinkable happened. Okay, well maybe it's not "unthinkable." Let's try again: They all went to sleep and then the night of horror began! Wes, Brandy, and I stayed up chatting until about 10:45-11 (don't laugh- that's late for all three of us, especially since we all usually wake up at 5am!). Then, from 12:30 to 5:30am, I was awake with either Gavin or Vivian screaming their heads off. At 4am, I was at my wit's end with Viv (Gavin went back to bed at 1:30am). So we went into the living room and watched Elmo. She finally fell asleep around 5:30 and then woke up at 7:00. It sucked.
Sunday morning was spent feeding the kids scrambled eggs, playing, and attempting some finger painting (which did not go well). Brandy and Carter left for Maryland around 10am and G & V went down for a nap shortly after. We had so much fun together.

Other highlights of the weekend:

  • Brandy and I running down to the playroom to find Carter trapped underneath the flipped over pack-n-play and Gavin looking very guilty standing over it.
  • Vivian reading a magazine with Brandy and Brandy saying how wonderful it was to have a cuddly toddler sit for more than 2.5 seconds.
  • Carter being super tall. It was unbelievable. He's six weeks younger than the twins, but already a few inches taller. He can open all of the doors at our house and reach everything on any table. It's incredible.
  • Wes, Brandy, and I watching the video from the hospital when the twins were born. Somehow, it is incredibly hilarious and precious at the same time.
  • Listening to Carter say "Bye" with his country accent.
  • Carter, Gavin, and Vivian only wanting to drink out of each others' sippy cups and wanting nothing to do with their own sippy cup the entire weekend.
  • Watching Gav, Cartie, and Vivi bond more this trip than they have in the past. They seemed like they really enjoyed one another's company!

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