Monday, September 20, 2010

The New Nursery & a Sleep Update

Since we moved to Virginia, Gavin and Vivian have been sharing a bedroom. Our house has three bedrooms, so one belongs to us, one is where V & G sleep, and the third is a playroom (post to come). Every night, we head into their room around 7:15-7:30 and begin the book reading extravaganza (which usually lasts about 30 minutes). We have a twin-sized foam mattress (thanks Claudia!) on the floor as our "Reading Nook" and we all pile on for a few good books. The reading extravaganza always ends with "Where is my mother?" by Dr. Suess (it's their favorite and the only book that they both sit almost completely still for). Once baby bird has found his mother, we turn on a lullaby CD, put G & V in their respective cribs (thanks Jen Gibb-Hall for Gavin's new crib!) with their respective pacis (Remember, Viv has become hooked since we moved to Virginia) and leave the room. And then, THEY GO TO SLEEP! FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT! It's actually quite ridiculous. We're not exactly sure how we got to this point, but we have definitely arrived. And, we love it.

Well, enjoy these pics of the new nursery...

1 comment:

ashley.and.graham said...

woo hoo!!!! everything looks amazing. I wish we had some solid nights of sleep. Miss E has been waking up screaming for the past week. ugghh. Hopefully, we will join in the land of uninterrupted sleep very soon.