Tuesday, June 21, 2011


When we took G & V to their 2-year checkup, we had to (as usual) fill out a survey about their development. Things like, "Can s/he stack three blocks on top of one another without making them fall?" and "Does s/he say more than 6 words?" One of the items asked, "Can s/he drink from a regular cup without spilling any liquid?" I had no idea. 

"Wes, can Gav or Viv drink from a cup unassisted without spilling?"

Wes replied, "I don't think so."

"Okay, I'm just gonna check NO. Who cares."

It wasn't that we couldn't remember if they were able to perform such a task. We really didn't know; they had never tried it before. When we got home, we gave them a cup of milk after dinner. Sure enough, they did great! Who knew!

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