Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Latest Project

On Thursday, I went to a second-hand furniture store looking for a cheap, sturdy dresser for G & V. Yes, I know; we already have a dresser, but we wanted one that was tall instead of long. This way, we could put things on top of it, out of the kiddos' reach. Anyways, I got a great dresser for a great price.

Then, I went to Walmart to get a brightly patterned pack of scrapbook paper and some wood spray paint. When I got home, the project began.

I started by spray painting the dresser and drawer fronts dark brown.

Then, I cut up the paper into different sized rectangles and squares and broke out the Mod Podge (oh how I love thee).
I glued the paper to the dresser drawer front in different patterns, put a layer of glue on top of the paper, let it dry, and then put another layer of glue on, let it dry, yadda yadda yadda. I put about 4-5 layers of glue on each drawer.

At first, I was only going to do two drawers...

...but when it turned out so great, I decided to do 4 of the 5.

We all LOVE the finished product!


Rebecca D. said...

I love this post - what a great, creative idea :) So adorable!

Elizabeth and Mark said...

I am totally stealing this for the bookshelves in Grace's play room! Where do you get the glue???

Jennie said...

@e- it's decoupage glue. you can get it at any craft store. mod podge is the brand name.