Monday, April 9, 2012

"I think it's better to be safe than sorry"

This is what I said to Wes on Sunday while we were driving to the hospital. You see, after my 3 hour stint in the hospital on Friday, I kept having contractions all day on Saturday and Sunday. But, they were inconsistent and sporadic.

Then on Sunday, I had about 2.5 hours of consistent contractions every 25 minutes. I called my doc just to see what she wanted me to do. "Come in if they are consistently 10-15 minutes apart."

So, I sat. And counted.

I had a contraction at 6:55. Then again 7:05, 7:15, 7:27, 7:36, and 7:48. I told Wes that I thought we should go. Sarah was already here visiting for the night (thank goodness!), so she put the twins to bed while we went up to the hospital.

When we arrived and I was hooked up to the monitors, I was definitely having contractions, and they were about 10-15 minutes apart. I was given another (I had this on Friday, too) shot of brethine to stop the contractions (and it did), I had a fetal fibronectin test done (which I was scheduled to have this morning anyway), and my cervix was checked (and I wasn't dilated any more than I was on Friday).

About an hour later, the fetal fibronectin test came back negative (YAY!). This is the test that tells you if delivery in the next two weeks is imminent or not. It's not.

My cervix was checked again and it was the same.

I was sent home with directions to take a muscle relaxer every 6 hours.

Now we're back to waiting...

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