Saturday, April 28, 2012


About a month ago, Gavin woke up with a terrible nightmare. He was insanely upset and we couldn't do anything to calm him down. It seemed like a night terror, but he was responding to us more than a usual night terror and it really seemed like he was awake, so we ruled that out and then thought it was a nightmare instead. It was. When he finally calmed down, we asked him what was wrong and he said, "There a monster in my room."

A monster? This was the first time either of them talked about a monster at night. In order for him to go back to sleep, he had to leave the room and get a snack. Then, he was only okay with going back into his room if the light of the TV was on and I stayed with him. He fell back asleep and didn't wake up again til the morning.

The next morning, we asked Gavin about the nightmare again. He said it was a big, red monster that was "not funny."

A few nights later, Vivian woke up screaming of monsters in their room. Then a few nights after that, Gavin woke up from a fear of monsters. These nightmares happened every few nights to one of them for about 2 weeks. But, they seem to be over... for now.

Fingers crossed that the nonfunny, big, red monster doesn't make an appearance again anytime soon.

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