Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"Y" has suddenly become "CK"

The weekend before Easter (when my mom was visiting), Gavin suddenly starting pronouncing words correctly. If you remember, I few weeks ago, I wrote about how Gavin would always incorrectly say marker, sticker, or any other word with a "CK" sound in the middle (watch the video HERE). He did this since he learned to talk. But a couple of weekends ago, he started saying the "CK" in these kinds of words. And it's not a fluke. He's continued to correctly pronounce words like ticket, turkey, bucket, and cracker. I'm happy that he's learning, but I'm sad that this little toddler quirk of his is officially gone. Tear.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Yay Gavin! Side note: his eyes look amaze with that blue hoodie!! <3