Sunday, August 21, 2011

Big Kid Bed Update

Well, it's been two weeks since we took the twins' cribs apart and put them in their big kid beds (i.e. two foam mattresses on the floor). At first, they each had a mattress on one side of the room. But, when we would check on them before we went to bed, one of them had made his/her way over to the other's bed. So, we decided to put the mattresses next to one another. 

They've been doing okay. The going-to-sleep part is easy. They do that rather well. It's the staying-asleep part that they have trouble with. And there are a few causes (in my opinion) to this. First, they're rolling off the bed and hitting the wall or the dresser, which scares them and then they sometimes can't go back to sleep. Second, Viv has had 10 night terrors in the last 2 weeks. It has been terrible. For me. She usually goes right back to sleep, but her screaming sometimes wakes up Gavin. And then, he's awake. Other than those two issues, the transition has been better than we thought it would be.

They definitely like sleeping together, but they also kick each other and steal one another's blankets from time to time as well. Lucky for you, I've taken photos on them in their crazy sleeping positions over the last 2 weeks. Here are the highlights: