Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lake Vacation ~ Part Two

Tuesday (continued)
Once the kiddos woke up from their mid-day nap on Tuesday, we took them out on the boat again for a few more hours (we rented the boat for the entire day). We spent most of our time driving around, looking at real estate, and dreaming about owning our own lake house one day...

The next morning (yes, the kids are wearing the same shirts), Gavin was caught sneaking peas from the fridge (I know, all the things that he could steal from the fridge and he chooses peas).

Then, we went outside for an early morning swim. Well, Gavin swam and we all watched.

After a nap, we made the 45 minute trek out to Walmart for some shopping. You see, there was NOTHING around us. Our lake house was really isolated. There was one little corner store about 5 minutes away and there was a Food Lion about 30 minutes away. And, there were NO fast food establishments anywhere (except all the way out by the Walmart). Not that we needed these things, but it was definitely a little weird.

When we returned, it was time for an afternoon swim. This time, we all participated.

Viv had to wear her necklaces and bracelets, and Gavin had to drag his alligator down to the water.

They were both caught off guard (and extremely excited) when they saw a duck in the yard.


We started off our day by going back to the playground at the national park.

Then, we went on a little hike through the woods to get down to the water.
They absolutely LOVED running through the trees, picking up rocks, and jumping in the grass.

Then, we made it to the water. Viv wasn't interested, but Gavin was totally psyched. He jumped right in!

And then the socks and shoes came off.

Meanwhile, Vivian was fascinated by the trees. In particular, she was interested in the hardened sap that was dripping from them. She picked up a stick and started scrapping the hardened sap. She was really into this activity.

When we made it home, it was time for a nap. Then, we went swimming in our backyard while we waited for Auntie Bird and Joe to arrive.
I just can't get over those views!

Stay tuned for part three of our vacation...

1 comment:

Brenda Berkelaar said...

Love the photo of the twins gazing at the beach. Hard to imagine them sitting still.