Saturday, August 13, 2011

New School

When we first moved to Virginia, we found an AH-MAZING childcare center that we immediately fell in love with. Then, it closed and we were devastated. We signed the twins up for a different school last December, but we never really liked it. Okay, we didn't like it very much at all.

Then, about a month ago, I received a phone call. 

From the owner/director of our original childcare center! She said that she was going t be the new director of a new childcare center in Harrisonburg! 

We. Were. SOOOO. Excited! Not only was this new childcare center run by people who actually like kids (we always felt like no one liked working at the last center), but it was less expensive and more convenient to where we live!

Gavin and Vivian started at their new school this past Tuesday. Everyday this week, they didn't fuss at all when we dropped them off and they actually cried a few afternoons when we picked them up (saying things like: "No! Stay!" and "I stay!"). We couldn't be happier.

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