Monday, August 15, 2011

Two Minutes

Gavin and Vivian (mostly Gavin) have been visiting our "time out corner" a lot more lately. Gavin usually goes to time out for not listening to one of us, climbing things he shouldn't be climbing, and taking things from Viv. On the other hand, Vivi goes to time out for things like hitting and biting.

We have a bit of a routine when putting the twins in time out. First, we give them a warning ("If you hit your brother again, you're going in time out"). Then after they do it again (which almost always happens), we take them over to time out, explain why they are there, and tell them that they will sit in time out for 2 minutes. The best part here is that Gavin has been in time out so often, that he now yells "2 minutes! 2 minutes!" back to us when we first tell him that he has to go to time out. It's hilarious. After 2 minutes in time out, we tell them again why they are in time out, ask for an apology, and then give them hugs and kisses. Oh yeah, and if they leave the time out spot before the two minutes is up, they are quickly put back in their place.

It seems to work most of the time. Interestingly, Gavin gets very upset when he's put in time out, but Viv seems to care less.

We hope to keep this up so that maybe, just maybe, they can start to remember that time out is a consequence before they make that decision to hit, push, bite, or climb.

1 comment:

The Bluvas Blog said...

I love that he yells "two minutes!" That's hysterical. We've started asking Katelynn why she got a time out after the fact. To our surprise, she can usually say what it was (e.g. "stairs" for sneaking off and going up the stairs alone). Then she usually tells whoever was not involved that she got a time out. It seemed like it wasn't working for a while (i.e., she'd laugh during it or play with her knees or something) but we seem to be back in business.