Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Remember when I wrote about how we call Vivi "Inez"? Well, Mr. Gavin also has an alternate name. You see, Gavin is a bit mischievous and funny, and he cannot sit still to save his life. Just like my dad, Charlie. The best part about this is that when we call Gavin "Charlie," he repeats us in a bit of a singing rhythm, "Chaaa-weee, Chaaa-weee!"

Gavin's "Charlie-ness" was clearly demonstrated a few nights ago. When we got home from work and school, Gav and Viv immediately got to work playing in their little kitchenette. Of course, Gavin had to climb it.

Then, he had to play under the kitchen table (all while wearing his sister's pink hat).

After finding the sit-n-spin under the buffet (which was hiding there until they get a little older), he felt the urge to try and "fix" it with his screwdriver.

Finally, the night was closed out with a mess. I left the kitchen to use the bathroom for TWO minutes only to come back to Gavin rubbing his ketchup all over his legs. What's wrong with this kid?

Oh, Charlie.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Love Gavin and his painted toes ;)