Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cold Turkey

Wes and I have been putting off potty training the twins. Yes, I'm admitting it. We. Are. Lazy. Whoever said that having a potty-trained toddler is easier than having a diaper-wearing toddler was crazy. Diapers are so much easier. Yes, they're a lot more expensive, but much easier. For one, you don't have to jump up every 30 minutes to make your kid take a potty break. Second, you don't have to immediately stop whatever it is that you're doing to run to the bathroom when your kid claims that he or she is "about to pee!" And third, you don't have to worry about your kid peeing all over the floor in a public place. In many ways, I wish they could wear diapers until kindergarten.

Anywho, for a while, Gavin and Vivi actually weren't ready; so we didn't push it on them. Then Vivian was ready, but Gavin wasn't; so we put it off. Then, they both were ready, but I was on bed rest and we were about to have another baby, so we put it off some more.

Well four days ago, we went cold turkey. That's right we went from wearing diapers full-time and only using the potty here and there (literally here and there; I think they each had only peed in the potty a handful of times prior to this past weekend) to wearing panties and peeing in the potty full-time. We just told them, "we're going to wear panties now and you can't pee in your panties or you'll be all wet." They said "okay" and off we went! And for the most part, it's actually working! Gavin has only had three accidents in four days and Vivi has had two. I will say that they're still wearing diapers at night and at nap time, but all day long, they've been in Dora and Thomas the Train undies! It's kinda cool.

They're very excited about their new undies; talking about them several times a day to one another and to each other. And they were even more excited this morning when we told them that they got to wear their new undies to school (today was their first day at school sans diapers). This shit (pun intended) might actually work!

Now if we could just get them to quit those damn pacis cold turkey...

1 comment:

ashley.and.graham said...

wow! so great! message me if you want some thoughts about the paci thing and weaning the diapers all together. this is awesome news!