Saturday, August 18, 2012

Smith Mountain Lake ~ Part Three

Wednesday morning, we took the boat over to Smith Mountain Lake State Park and docked it near the beach. We spent the morning swimming in the lake, basking in the sun, and playing in the sand. We really like the lake (more than the ocean) for small kids because of the calm water. Wes and I can sit on our blanket and watch the twins play in the water without worrying about them being taken over by waves. It's great.
Here's a pic of the "beach" from our boat.

Gavin jumping trying to catch the little fish swimming around.
My view of Wes, Viv, and Gav from the beach.

I just love the clear water.

After lunch and nap, we went to Walmart (for some iced coffee- YUM!) and Goodwill (to get the lamp). Ont he way there, Vivian insisted on reading my "Happiest Baby on the Block" book while wearing her glasses (that she's been wearing for weeks now) and eating a pink lolly pop. She's hilarious.

 That night, we ate dinner together and watched "Tangled" on TV.

For some reason, Gavin woke up super early Thursday morning.
He also NEEDED to wear his Spiderman hoodie, and blue
goggles; all while eating a TON of watermelon.
We took the boat over to the beach again Thursday morning. By this point, Gavin and Vivian were pretty used to getting ready. They knew that they needed their life jackets, that the boat needed to be untied from the dock, and that someone needed to steer while someone else pushed off. Of course, they each volunteered to do each of these jobs.
Vivi and her glasses.

The view of our dock from the water.

Gav said he wanted to wear his boat life jacket
at the beach so that he could "do work."

"Back away from the blanket."

At one point, Vivi found some older girls he wanted to play with. I told her that she had to introduce herself and ask if she could play with them. She walked right over and said, "Hi, I Vivi. Can I play with you?"I couldn't beileve it.

Gavin joined them at some point. But he refused
to introduce himself. We're working on it.
After lunch and nap, we went up to Bridewater Marina to return the boat. Vivian and I drove the boat while Wes, Gavin, and Paxton drove the car and met us there. 
Viv and I taking the long boat trip back to the marina.
Once the boat was returned, we hung out at the marina for about an hour before heading back home for dinner. Of course we made a stop at the arcade.
Here are our wonderfully well-behaved children climbing
on one game to increase their ticket count.
We also fed the fish popcorn.
We ate at home that night and had a quick photo shoot with Pax in an adorable outfit from my Aunt Rita (Thanks! We love it!).

 Part Four of our vacation is next...

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