Thursday, August 16, 2012

Smith Mountain Lake ~ Part Two

When we woke up Monday morning, the kiddos were adamant about eating cereal out of plastic cups. Not sure why, but I thought it would be funny to read that little tidbit several years from now.
After breakfast, we drove over to the beach at Smith Mountain Lake State Park. We were a few of the only people there, the water was calm, the sun was out, and it was very relaxing. For the most part, Steph, Pax, and I lounged on our towels while Tony, Wes, and the twins played in the water and sand.

Our beach babe

Vivian telling me how many fish she just saw.

Then it was time to bury Daddy.

When we got home, the kiddos showered, ate lunch,
and napped before heading down to the basement to play pinball!

We went out to dinner that night at a little pizzeria.

Before we left, we had to get a couple group shots.

That night was eventful. During a chase-the-kids-around-the-room game, a lamp was knocked off the table and broke. This wouldn't have been so bad if we Gavin hadn't already broken a different lamp and we hadn't already thrown a candle lantern off the side of the back deck (breaking it into a million pieces) because of a hornet's nest that was inside of it since the previous Saturday. The good (and maybe also bad) news was that there was a matching lamp in the master bedroom. This was good because then we knew exactly what the living room lamp looked like pre-destruction. But it was bad because that also meant that everyone else (the homeowners and property management company) knew exactly what the living room lamp looked like pre-destruction.
But being resourceful people, Wes and I went to Goodwill the next day, found a $2 lamp that was similar enough, painted it with a $3 can of creamy eggshell spray paint, and put it in the master bedroom (moving the original matching lamp from the bedroom to the living room). 
This is the matching lamp we found in the master bedroom.

Here's the $2 replacement we found at Goodwill.
And here's the Goodwill lamp after we painted it!
Not too bad for $5!

We started off the day by boating over to Mitchell's Point Marina for breakfast. But, we got there too late and lunch had already started. 

Oh by the way, did I mention that Steph is pregnant? Well, she is. And she's so stikin' cute.

Little Miss refused to get her hair pulled back before we left. Then when we got on the boat, she freaked out because her hair was in her face. To appease her, Steph was trying to braid her hair. 

Here's our boat docked at the restaurant.

This was the view of the lake from the marina.

One last shot before we took the boat back home, put the kids
down for a nap, and Steph and Tony left to go back home.

 After nap, we took the boat back up to Bridgewater Marina to return the raft and get some ice cream!

We boated back to the house, ate dinner, and went to bed.

Stay tuned for part three...

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