Sunday, January 6, 2013

From 4 to 3 to 2

Like all newborns, Paxton slept A LOT when he first came home with us. After a couple of months, he moved to napping about 4 times during the day. Then, he moved to 3. Well, we think he's officially a two-nap-a-day-baby now. For about 2 weeks, he only takes a morning nap and then a mid-day nap. He no longer naps in the afternoon or early evening. He naps in his crib upstairs with his noise machine on. Sometimes he's wrapped and sometimes he's not. Unlike his siblings, he doesn't usually cry when he wakes up. Instead, he might talk, yell out once or twice, or just babble with his owl stuffed animals until someone comes up to get him. Love him.

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