Friday, January 18, 2013

Visiting Nicholas

On Wednesday, I was privileged to be able to drive up to MD for the day and visit my most favorite new family, the Richelsens. Baby Nick was only 5 days old on Wednesday and I absolutely loved every freaking second of my visit. From changing Nick and having him pee on me (Wes likes to call me a "pee magnet" because it seems like all babies pee on me. In fact, I was the first person that Nick peed on and I was totally honored), to watching Steph and Tony absolutely adore their new addition (Seriously. They have taken on their new role as parents so gracefully. They are just incredible.), to holding baby Nick as often as Steph would allow me (Which was often, by the way. Thanks, Steph!), to staging a semi-professional photo shoot of this adorably adorable new little person. I attempted a fully-asleep photo shoot only to have him wake up about half way through. But, I got some amazing pictures in the process, so who cares. 

I edited each photo and then put a sepia and black and white filter on each one, too. I usually always love sepia for babies, but some of these color and black and white ones are just precious, too. Here are my favorite color pics:
I can't get over how much I love seeing infants yawn. They yawn with their entire face. It's precious.

My favorite sepia pics:

And, some of my fav black and whites:
I could just eat him up.

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