Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I Heart Dark Teal

I have a deep love for dark teal. I just love it. A few months ago, I spray painted one of my childhood rocking chairs dark teal for Paxton's one year photo shoot. Well, I decided to take that can of spray paint and get it color matched to create a can of high gloss regular paint for a new project. Unfortunately, the real color of the piece cannot be captured by any of my three cameras. It's crazy. It's much more teal-y in real life (I think it looks very blue in these pics). Oh well, I guess you'll just have to come visit me to see it in all it's dark teal glory.

So what did I paint? I'm glad you asked.

I've been wanting to get a buffet to re-do for my new office at work. I searched and searched and searched on Craigslist for what seemed like forever. Then, right before we left for Lake Anna, I found it.

It was being stored in someone's basement for the last 20 years and she finally decided to sell it. It was pretty scratched up, but had great lines and it was the perfect size for what I needed.

I decided to stain the top of the buffet very dark (Bombay Mahogany by MiniWax). Then, I spray painted the hardware with the same finish (Hammered in Dark Bronze) that I gave my purple desk, which is also in my new office. Like I said, I took the can of spray paint that I used for my little rocking chair and had a can of regular paint made to match it.

I'm in love.


Brenda Berkelaar said...

What I love about it the most, is that it says Jennie. Your sense of style reflects you. Love it.

bluvasa said...
