Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lake Anna ~ Tuesday & Wednesday

Day Three: Tuesday
April had to leave the lake bright and early on Tuesday morning, the remaining Alhassanis (Brandy and Carter) left after lunch, and the Richelsens headed back to MD that afternoon. Needless to say, Tuesday was a fun, yet really sad day for our family.

We started off the day by going back to the state park beach.

Again, all of the kiddos loved it.

When we got back to the house, we went canoeing.

I got a few great pics of the Richelsens before they left:

Our kids played in the little backyard beach that afternoon.
 Tony helped the twins make a few popsicle stick animals before they went back to MD.

We watched a movie, put the kids to bed, and watched "Broken City" (which was pretty good!) before going to bed ourselves (vacations are tiring!).

Day Four: Wednesday
On Wednesday morning, it was drizzling a little, but we decided to head out anyway. We went to the state park for a little hike on one of their scenic lake trails. But before we headed out on our adventure, the twins played on the playground for a few minutes.

Then, it was time to EXPLORE!

At some point, it started drizzling, then raining, and then heavy raining. But we kept going! The hike became more difficult though, because the dirt turned into slippery mud. No worries, no one was injured.

After our hike and throwing all of the rocks that Gavin collected into the lake at the end, we got in our suits and went swimming at the state park beach.

We went home, ate a very late lunch, and then went swimming in our backyard.

Wes made a fire after swimming a little bit and we roasted marshmallows to make s'mores. The twins thought this was very cool since one of their favorite books is a story about Curious George going camping. They kept referencing parts of the book during the experience. They each got one s'more and thought they were "so, so good!"

We let the kids take a bath in the huge jacuzzi tub in the master suite and when we came out of the bathroom, it was POPURING outside. Seriously, it was like a monsoon. Insanity.

Then Wes said, "did you roll up the windows on the van?" "NO!" I responded.

Everything inside was soaked, with puddles of water in every cup holder and on the floor. The van smelled so bad for the rest of the week.

We ate cheeseburgers for dinner and went to bed.

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