Monday, March 21, 2011


Gavin and Vivian LOVE "choo-choos" almost as much as they love saying "choo-choooooo!!!" So when we saw these Thomas the Train PJs at Walmart, we knew that they had to have them. Once they saw the PJs, they screamed "choo-choooooo!!!" over and over again. And after they had them on, they would point to the choo-choos anytime anyone said choo-choo. We tried to get them to stand next to one another and be remotely still for some photos and this is the best we could get.

After we took these photos, we realized that this was the first time that V & G were in the same exact outfit from head to toe... we think.

And yes, they are hi-fiving each other in the second-to-last photo.

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