Saturday, March 19, 2011

They're Different

In case you haven't figured it out yet, Gavin and Vivian are different. Sometimes we wonder if they're actually related.

Gavin tends to be laid back and, in general, is a happy, carefree kid. But, he also is extremely mischievous. He's constantly trying to climb up, jump off, or break something. And, he likes to make a mess and get dirty. He also likes to figure out how things are put together or how they work. He will closely examine something and then try to do it himself.

Miss Vivian, on the other hand, is a bit of a diva. She wants things her way and she can be quite particular about how things should (and should not) happen. She doesn't like to be dirty and will hold her hand up to you (so that you can clean it of course) if there is something on it. She's dramatic and quick-tempered. But, if everything is going her way, she's rather calm when she plays, eats, or reads books; she doesn't try to get into trouble like her brother.

Interestingly, we already knew about many of these differences only one week after their birth!

Below are a couple videos that illustrate some of these differences.

1 comment:

The Bluvas Blog said...

Hilarious! I especially love the commentary from you and Wes : )