Thursday, March 17, 2011

She's a Tantrum Queen

Vivian is the Tantrum Queen in our house. She's good. Really good.

Vivian can go from completely happy and content and even laughing to pitching a fit that could rival the tantrums thrown by those out-of-control kids you used to see on Jenny Jones in a matter of minutes. She knows what she wants and she doesn't like it when anyone tells her that she can't have it. She's a bit of a diva.

And, she doesn't care where she is. Vivian will have a mental breakdown in the aisles of Walmart just as easily as she would at home.

She's emotional.

Lately, we've been trying to calmly reason with her during her fits. I usually start with something like this: "It looks like you really wanted the toy that Gavin is playing with. Is that what you wanted?" She replies by calming down for a brief moment and nodding her head. Then we talk about how she can't have the toy because Gavin was playing with it and I usually offer her something else. She starts to scream again. And kick. Violently. I tell her that it's okay to be sad and that I would be sad too. More screaming ensues. Then we just hug it out while I tell her that I love her and it's okay to be sad. Sometimes this last step takes a minute, but other times, 5-7 minutes could pass without much relief.

Fingers crossed that this is just a phase!


ashley.and.graham said...

oh, it is a phase. a hard one to push through but a phase nonetheless. I have probably already said this but have you read parts of happiest toddler on the block? it helped me so much. especially with how to talk through tantrums and other strategies to try. sounds like you're already doing some of what the book talks about. call me if you need to!

Maren said...

Oh man, it's nice to know I'm not the only one with tantruming toddlers. If there's anything that I've learned it's that every child is so different that you have to use a different technique for each one. Spencer could kind of be reasoned with out of a tantrum. Cole can generally be distracted out of a tantrum. And Josh? No amount of reasoning or distraction will work. The best we can do is ignore it and hope it ends soon! (Even in the aisles of Wal-Mart!!)

So I guess what I'm saying is - Good Luck!