Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Diarrhea of the Mouth

Gavin has been talking A LOT lately. It ridiculous. He can't stop. He names everything he sees. And if he doesn't know the word, he asks, "What dis, Mommy?" He also repeats the last 2 words of every sentence you say. And sometimes, he'll even repeat the whole sentence (slurring the words together, of course). He's crazy. Here are a few phrases/sentences he like to say 852 times a day.

"No yes, Mommy."
This is usually how this conversation goes: I will tell Gavin that he has to do something, he will tell me "No," and then I will say, "Yes, Gavin, you have to do it." Then, instead of just telling me that he doesn't want to do it by saying "No" again, Gavin will say, "No yes, Mommy! No yes!"

"Oh my goodness."
A few days ago, Gavin dropped his cereal on the floor and said, "Oh my goodness." The best part is that we have no idea where he got this from. Now, he says it several times a day.

"I fine Daddy/Mommy/it" (Translation: "I will go and find Daddy/Mommy/it.")
Gavin loves to look for things. Anything. And he likes to tell us about it.

"Where is the ball, Gavin?" G: "I dunno... here is!"
Since he likes to go and look for people and things, it probably comes to no surprise that he also like to point things out around us. He especially likes to be "tested" when we're reading a book. When we're reading, I'll ask G & V to identify different things on the pages and they'll point them out. Gavin likes to pretend he doesn't see it when he clearly does. He'll say, "I dunno," while holding his hands up in a "Where is it?" manner. Then, he'll point to the item in question and yell very loudly, "Here is!"

These are only a few things that he likes to say. It seems like he's just talking and talking and talking.

1 comment:

The Bluvas Blog said...

So precious! I love the "Oh my goodness" comment : ) Katelynn asks the same questions over and over (even to things she knows the answers to). She doesn't do the book thing exactly, but she will hide a toy somewhere and then earnestly ask me where it is--if I didn't see her with it two minutes before, I'm in for some cat and mouse games : )