Saturday, September 3, 2011

Unprompted Manners

We've been working on manners around here for quite some time. And in the last month or so, Gavin and Vivian have really begun to consistently use those manners on their own, unprompted by one of us.

For instance, just about every time I put their dinner plates in front of them, they will say thank you. Except, their "thank you" sounds like "nit noo" or "nack noo." They also say thank you when we give them something or tell them that we will do what they want to do next: Viv- "Puppy book first." Me- "We will read the puppy book after the hippo book." Viv- "Nit noo, Mommy."

They also have begun consistently saying please, which sounds like "peas," whenever they want something. We have even gotten tot he point where we can remind them by saying, "What do you say?" instead of telling them, "Say please."

Yay for manners!

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