Tuesday, September 13, 2011

a few of my favs

Over the last 2 weeks, I've been trying to get the new house unpacked and decorated. And I've been successful in a few places. For instance, the kids' room is basically done, the kitchen has been completely unpacked and mostly decorated, and the living is mostly done, too. As some of the finishing touches are made, I thought I'd share a few pics of my favorite places so far.

This is the fireplace in our living room. I love our living room. And I especially love this spot in our living room.

Here's a pic of the inside of our front door. Our fridge is stainless steel (and thus, it's not magnetic), so we can't put the magnets there. But the inside of our front door works out great. And the kiddos love it.

Another place that I love in our new place is our dining room (which is still a work-in-progress). I've always loved our huge buffet (that we bought in Indiana at a furniture auction), but I think I might love it even more here. The dining room is a red-ish/purple-ish color and our furniture is a dark wood. When I first saw the room, I knew that it was going to be an eclectic mix. After perusing the Internet for ideas, I decided on a plate collage on the wall above the buffet. It's not completely done yet (I plan to continue the plates up and over to the right onto the next wall in an interesting pattern... or something), but it's getting there.

 The owl plate is my favorite:

I just love all of these spots in our new house. More to come...

1 comment:

ashley.and.graham said...

definitely keep sharing! my friend marie did plates in her dining room with one plate from lots of family members' wedding china. it looked great. love the fireplace and the photo on it ;). can't wait to see more!