Friday, September 2, 2011

They're Funny

Me: "We're going to the store."
G & V (in unison): "Oooooh."
Me: "We need to get bananas and boxes and shower curtain rings, okay?"
G & V (in unison): "Okay, Mommy."
Me: "What else do you think we need from the store?"
Vivian (without any hesitation): "Donuts."
Gavin (directly following Viv's response): "Trucks."


Gavin has recently learned that my name is Jennie. And, he thinks this information is hilarious. The other day, Gavin yelled, "Moooommmy! Milk!" To which I responded, "One minute, Gavin." Then, he asked, "Jennie get milk?"


Vivian is learning that raising her voice and yelling things instead of just normally stating them (especially in public), gets her a lot of attention. Funny attention. The other day, I took the kiddos to Walmart after school. Viv decided that she was going to YELL "Hello!" to every single person she saw. This got her several dozen giggles and "she's so adorable" comments from passerbys. She loved it.


Everyday, on the way home from school, I ask the twins, "What did you do today?" And, everyday, I hear, "Color," "Letters," and "Go outside" as responses. The other day, I asked the kiddos about their day, and they only said "Color" and "Letters." I said, "Did you go outside?" Gavin said, "No, rain. Grass too wet." "Oh," I replied. Then, Viv said, "Yeah, Mommy. Grass wet, no outside."

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