Sunday, September 18, 2011

She's Dramatic

As we all know, Vivi is a little obsessed with shoes. Okay, she ridiculously obsessed. She usually asks for her shoes within the first 10 minutes of waking up in the morning, she is the only child at her school who refuses to take off her shoes at nap time, and she falls asleep in them at night. She has a problem.

The other day, I picked Vivi and Gavin up from school and Vivi had on a pair of shoes that I didn't recognize. 

I said to the director, "Those aren't Vivi's shoes." Since there are only 2 other girls in Vivi's class, I said, "Well, they're probably Olivia's. I'll Facebook her mom tonight." 

Then, one of the teacher's came over and said, "Those are Emme's." (Emme is in the 1-year-old class) And while pointing at Emme's feet, she said, "Are these Vivian's shoes?"

"Yes! Those are Viv's," I said.

Then, her teacher said, "Vivian was eye-balling Emme's shoes all day. She must have took them during nap. Vivian usually doesn't take her own shoes off, but I guess she was willing since Emme's were available."

Well, it's official. She has a serious shoe addiction. But knowing that she stole the shoes of another child wasn't even the worst part. No no. The worst part was when I tried to take the stolen shoes off her feet.


Miss Vivian had THE WORST tantrum she has had in... well maybe ever. It was unbelievable. So dramatic. But I still heart the hell out of her. My little shoe diva.

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