Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Aunt Rachel & Aunt Lucy

Last Saturday, my BFF (and fake sister), Aunt Rachel, came down for the day. And, she brought her cat, Lucy. When she first arrived, Lucy hid behind the couch while Gavin, Vivi, and Aunt Rachel played with a money sorter. G & V really got into sifting the quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.
After a little while, Lucy came out to see the twins and for some reason, Gavin started calling (without any input from anyone else) the cat "Aunt Lucy." It was hilarious and precious. He called her Aunt Lucy the entire day. Vivian was amazed by Aunt Lucy. I think we may have to get a cat someday.
Vivian even got to walk Aunt Lucy outside. Yes, she walked her. On a leash. Seriously. The cat was on a leash.
It was great to catch up with Rachel and relax with the three kiddos.
Come visit us again!

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