Saturday, June 30, 2012

May & June Facebook Posts

I forgot to put up the Facebook posts for May. Here they are for May and June.

May 6
Gavin: "Get away, Vivi!"
Vivian: "I your sisser (sister). I wuv (love) you. I kiss you."
Gavin: "NO! No kiss me!"

May 9
Today, G & V are turning THREE!

This was the conversation this morning:
Gavin: "Vivi, when my birthday come, I gonna have a BIG bouncy."
Vivian: "And we gonna bounce with Auntie Bird (Meghan Gill) and Uncle Joe (Joe Crandall) and GG and Grandma (Linda Rosier)!"
Gavin: "And Pop Pop and Uncle Flip (Philip Rosier) and Max (Max Poetschan)!"
Vivian: "And Mommy and Daddy!"
Gavin: "And we gonna eat cake!"

Me: "You guys, TODAY is your birthday!"
(In unison): "WOOOOW!"

May 20
Dear False Labor,

I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You are the scum between my toes!


May 26
Ah... the joys of being up in the middle of the night for both a feverish toddler and a nursing baby. They're lucky they're both really cute.

May 31
Me: "Gavin, tell Paxton a secret."
Gavin: (leaning down close to Paxton's face) "When you get big, you get on the mower and you drive it!"

May 31
Me: "If you're really good at school today, we'll go to a restaurant tonight for dinner!"
Viv: "YAY! I want chocolate... and lemon."

Good to know.

May 31
I can't believe it, but the most frustrating, inconsolable, lengthy, mother-of-all emotional breakdowns we have ever experienced in the Rosier house is finally over. It was a long few hours, but Gavin finally pulled through and fell asleep. 

We never did figure out what was wrong. I guess it's just tough being three.

June 1
Gav: "Mama, we had chicken at school for lunch!"
Me: "I know. I made it for you."
Gav: "No, my teacher did. It was so yummy. She makes yummy food."
Me: "Gavin, I made that food at home and then sent it with you to school for lunch."
Gav: "No. You not make dat good food. Only my teacher can."
Me: "Gavin, Mommy made that chicken."
Gav: "NOOOOOO!!"

It's proving to be rather difficult to reason with a three-year-old.

June 1
Me: "Vivian! How did your pancake end up on the floor?"
Viv: "I dunno, Mommy. It just went crazy."

June 6
it's only 9:30 in the morning and i've already heard over 100 renditions of "old mcdonald" come out of gavin's little mouth. i'm starting to really hate that f-ing song.

June 14
Sleep deprivation is the absolute worst part of being a parent. 

Sorry kid, but last night put you on my shit list.

June 15
G & V are given a daily "report card" from their "school" that says how they behaved during the day. Yesterday, Gavin's said that he was "outstanding" (which is the highest). 

I said, "Gavin, I'm so proud of you. You were OUTSTANDING at school today!" 

Gavin replied, "Was I? Are you sure?"

I know, it was hard for me to believe too.

June 16
Me: (While walking into the recently cleaned playroom) "Why did you make this mess?"
Gavin: "Because I like it. It's so BIG! Pwease don't clean it up. I very love it like dis."

June 25
Well, the party was a success. Unfortunately, Mr. Gavin was so excited about his new dump truck, cars, tractor trailer, and various pick up trucks that he woke up several times last night (i.e. at 12:30, 1:45, & 3:00am) screaming in anguish and pleading with us, "Can I play with my dump truck now? PWEASE!" He continued to do this even though we let him sleep with his 2-foot-long tractor trailer. When he woke up this morning (at 5:00am), he demanded that we help him find all of his trucks "right now!" And he became upset when one of them was missing.

His obsession with vehicles is starting to become a tad unhealthy.

June 25
Pax: crying, crying, crying, BIG puke
Gavin: (to me) "Oh no! He puke!" (to Pax) "It's okay Pax, everybody pukes. Vivi puke and I puke and Mommy puke and Daddy puke."

June 27
Me: "Gavin, what's your favorite letter?"
Gavin: "Umm... what wetter (letter) Mommy start wif (with)?"
Me: "M."
Gavin: "Den (then) M is my favorite wetter (letter)."

Sometimes, he's sweet.

June 28
Gavin: (to his teacher) "I very love Vivi. I gonna marry her."

Sweet, but also a bit disturbing.

June 29
Vivi: (said very proudly) "Mommy, I got a BIG booger out my nose!"
Me: "Great. Where is it?"
Vivi: "I wipe it on the fridge."

Of course you did.

June 29
Some days, Gavin LIVES in time-out. Today has been one of those days. 


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