Sunday, June 10, 2012

"We figured it was too good to be true."

This is what Wes and I have been saying over the last few days about our newest family member's sleeping habits.

You see, for the first 15 days of his life (every single night), Paxton was an incredible sleeper. And by incredible, I mean IN-FREAKIN'-CREDIBLE! He would nurse around 8pm and then sleep for 5.5-6 hours until 1:30 or 2 in the morning! Then after that, he would do another 4-5 hour stretch! This meant that I was only really waking up ONCE in the middle of the night (because I usually wake up around 6am-ish anyway). And his daytime feeding was only about every 2-3 hours.

It. Was. Ah-mazing.

Well on the night of Day 16, Pax decided to be a normal newborn and wake up every 1-2 hours after about an initial 4-hour stretch. Then, on Day 17, he woke every 2-3 hours all night. We experienced a similar song and dance as Day 17 (waking up every 2-4 hours) on Day 18 and 19.

We figured this shit was too good to be true. Damn kid.

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