Wednesday, June 20, 2012

She's Still Slow

Vivian is still a terribly slow eater. We have written about this once before, but since it has continued for over a year, I thought we'd post again to show how this is just part of who she is. Vivian is the last person to finish eating at every single meal we have. She takes her sweet time. And, she demands to finish eating, even if we all leave the table before her.
Once Gavin is done, it's difficult to keep him at the table for long. Then Wes and I are challenged with the task of waiting it out with her. This usually lasts until one of us is pulled away by another child or household crisis created by another child. Then the last parent will continuously ask little Miss if she's done, to which she almost always responds with "NO!" or "Not yet!" After being yelled at for the 10th or 11th time, the remaining parent will usually leave Vivian to her own devices. Then, she'll continue to talk to herself or to Elmo, sing out loud, and eat. Slowly. When she's ready, she yells for someone to clean her hands and help her down.

And yes, we still call her "Inez".

1 comment:

The Bluvas Blog said...

Katie is a super slow eater too, but she won't wait around to finish. Even though she's crabby when she's hungry, I think she'd be happy skipping dinner every night.I would love it if she would be willing to finish on her own while we're cleaning up or something. We bribe her with stickers or dessert to eat her food.