Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Paci War

The Paci War is epic in our house. And, I'm the first one to admit that Gavin and Vivian are winning the fight.

When we became pregnant back in September, our plan was to try and get rid of these things before baby #3 arrived. Then when we had finally gotten the kiddos down to only using the pacis at night and in the car, I was put on bed rest. The kids reacted quite poorly to this lifestyle change of ours. So, we decided to wait until baby #3 was born (because we figured that it would be too difficult for us to put in the effort required when one of us was out-of-commission and because we thought it would be too difficult for them to see the new baby with a paci). So, we waited.

In the weeks prior to Pax's arrival, Gavin had begun willingly giving up his paci through out the day (really only wanting it when he was sleeping) but Vivi was not ready to give her paci up at all. 

Then, Paxton came along. And both kids regressed a bit. Vivian has become much more attached to her paci and Gavin has also increased his desire for his.

Oh well. We're working on it.

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