Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Paxton is 6 Months Old

Today, our little Paxton Marshall is SIX months old. Where has the time gone? I distinctly remember this milestone with the twins. And I remember writing something like, "who ever said that time flies, never had twins." Because the first six months with Gavin and Vivian seemed to DRAG-THE-F-ON (and on and on and on). It took FOR-EV-ER to get through those first six. But with Pax, the time has FLOWN the hell by. Where did it go? I don't know. And that makes me sad. Tear.

Paxton is still a very happy baby (And yes, my fingers were crossed when I wrote that). He has a relatively consistent routine, he's easily soothed, he eats well, and he's happily entertained by Gavin and Vivian.

His favorite things these days are his doorway jumper, his elephant rattle, his brother and sister (but mostly Gavin for some reason), nursing, and eating his feet. He also loves tummy-time and he's even trying to get up on all fours already (just like Gavin). He's very good at spinning on his belly and rolling over (sometimes over and over and over again) to reach something that he wants. He's not sitting up on his own quite yet, but he loves to try! He likes to be naked (also like Gavin) and usually gets a little burst of energy when you change his diaper (he all like, "Oh! I'm naked! And I like it!"). He's also very smiley and giggly and squealy. He's quiet a lot of the time, but when he wants to make noise, he makes it. And it is LOUD.

While he's still nursing (we made it to SIX months!), we started introducing him to solids the last 3 or 4 weeks. His favorites so far are green beans, bananas, and oatmeal with bananas and raspberries. Here's a video of the very first time he ate something other than breast milk:

Happy 6 Month Birthday, Pax! 
We love you to pieces!

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