Tuesday, November 13, 2012

She's a Straight-Up Liar

Vivian is a straight-up liar. For real.

"Vivian, did you spill this milk on the floor?"


"Vivian, do you know where your brother's hat is?"

(While wearing it) "No."

"Vivian, did you hit Cooper at school today?"


It's getting a bit out of control. Gavin, on the other hand, can't lie to save his life. He tries, but it shows all over his face. He's like Pinocchio. Vivian will look you straight in the eye and lie in your face. We're in trouble with this one.  

1 comment:

The Bluvas Blog said...

I love this post. Katelynn has been lying for a while about things she wants to be different or so that she won't get in trouble (I've read this is normal)--e.g., I peed in my pull up while I was sleeping (she was awake). Last week, she lied just for the hell of it. How was Gymboree at school today? We didn't have it. The teacher was late. Then I saw the Gymboree stamps on her hands and confirmed with the teacher that the did have the class. Her response? She laughed in a way that you'd expect an adult to laugh when caught in a lie, but didn't say anything which made it even creepier. Then she did the same thing (with the same "late teacher" bit) for the activities for the next two days. Still don't know if she went to music class or chapel.