Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tricks & Treats 2012: The Neighborhood

On Wednesday night, we took the kids trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.

They were very excited about the whole experience. They even thought Wes and I had something to do with the creation of the holiday. At one point, Gavin said, "Thank you for doing dis, Mom. You're da best mommy in da whole world."

Here was the first house we went to:

They were not shy AT ALL. They would yell "Trick-or-Treat!" and "Happy Halloween!" And when we would walk away, Viv would usually say, "Have a good night!" It was hilarious.

And here's a video of them a few houses into the night:

We let them each have one gummy bear before bed (which they were perfectly fine with), with promises of another piece of candy today. This morning, they both asked us if we could "go to people's houses again" today. Next year can't come soon enough for these two.


The Bluvas Blog said...

that's awesome they weren't shy. katelynn stopped talking altogether after the first house or two, but she would make this intense eye contact. never seen her communicate nonverbally so much in her whole life.

Jennie said...

lol! love it!