Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Air and Space Museum

The Air and Space Museum in D.C. has always been Wes' favorite. He went several times as a kid and for a summer when we lived in MD, we had a job where we were gum distributers (long story) outside of the museum for an entire summer. We lived in Indiana in 2007, but were married in Maryland and the day after our wedding, we went to the D.C. Mall to do some touristy things. A visit to the Air and Space Museum was at the top of our list of things to do. Anyways, Wes has always had an affinity for this D.C. museum and last weekend, while I took Vivian to Aunt Stephie's Girl Party (i.e. her baby shower), Wes got to take Gavin downtown with his mom, brother, and brother's girlfriend.

Wes was super-pumped. And so was Gav.

They got to ride the Metro.

And see all kinds of airplanes and spaceships.

And they got to eat lollipops.

Gavin was in love with it all. And completely exhausted. He fell asleep on the drive over to my mom's that night. More about last weekend to come...

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